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"The Tilled Field", Joan Miro, Oil on Canvas 1924 |
If you haven't already, read PART 1 of this particular series HERE. Everything will make much more sense. If not, carry on, and let the confusion hopefully inspire you to new heights of philosophical self-inquiry.
What's "Happening"?
If you haven't already, read PART 1 of this particular series HERE. Everything will make much more sense. If not, carry on, and let the confusion hopefully inspire you to new heights of philosophical self-inquiry.
YOU ARE. "Reality", as only YOU can define is, IS happening right now. Understand that "reality" requires consciousness to qualify it as "reality" in the first place. Minus conscious awareness there is no "reality". Anyone that attempts to argue otherwise is using irrational (contradictory) logic. Contradiction is not knowledge, nor "truth", whatever that may be. It's contradiction, and that sums 0.
(ASIDE - If you want to argue consciousness is an illusion, I'll rationally ask you to please explain "an illusion of what?" You might reply "of reality". This implies you have empirical knowledge and evidence of a reality existing somewhere that is the base layer projection for this illusion, which begs even more rational questions. Meet me in the comments for that stuff.)
Consciousness is a prerequisite for claiming "reality" is "reality", and consciousness is NOW. Always NOW. Absolutely NOW. When is consciousness? Consciousness is NOW. Kind of a funny way to think about it, but that's exactly what it is. NOW.
What Do You "Know", for Certain?
Your consciousness is the only thing you've ever actually known for certain; you are conscious/self-aware. This is key to understanding how to appropriately apply the concept of balance into a useful tool, that actually yields measurable (and pleasurable) results to your life and experiences.
Ontologically (not just psychologically), there is nothing outside of the "present". Your "projections" about what took place in the past, or what may or may not happen in the future, are just that; projections.
People love to call each other delusional for a variety of things, but this right here takes the cake; projecting your awareness outside of the present moment directly dilutes your actual ontological relationship with what's happening.
You ARE, and You ARE (Happening) NOW
The word "happening" implies NOW. NOW-ness.
Everything you've ever experienced since you can recall becoming self-aware, is happening right now. Even the language used to describe that is a concept; an abstraction, not an actual. It exists only in the mind of the observer.
The conscious, self-aware agent using that very self-aware consciousness to conceive concepts that are useful for the mastery of its environment...The only thing that exists to give anything meaning in the first place is YOU. YOU (SELF) exist, and you exist absolutely. The only constant is you as an existential singularity; consciousness is the ability to conceive concepts in the first place. This cannot be overstated.
Rationally, it then follows that the only constant is your self-awareness, your consciousness.
Everything you "know" is relative to this existential singularity anchoring of awareness.
Epistemologically you don't know shit other than YOU ARE YOU, and OTHER THINGS ARE NOT YOU. This is where it all starts.
The World is an Ideological Shopping Mall of Contradiction as "Fact (I.E. "Truth")"
To continue to sleepwalk via treating concepts as real (Plato's Big Fuck Up) vs appropriating them as descriptions, not determinative of ontological reality is to thus elevate those concepts over reality itself.
Welcome to insanity.
This just so happens to be how the modern world functions without so much as a second thought.
Yes, they call those of us who refuse to settle for contradiction, paradox, and mystery as legitimate rational explanations for reality are the insane, conspiratorial, schizo ones.
I don't settle for that bullshit, and neither should you if you've read this far.
"If you want to argue consciousness is an illusion, I'll rationally ask you to please explain "an illusion of what?" You might reply "of reality"."
ReplyDeleteI would not argue that consciousness is an illusion, consciousness is the only thing that can be said to be real. I would, however, argue that being a self, an ego that is separate from the whole, is an illusion. That's not to say that isn't 'real'; it is a real illusion! Well who is creating this illusion, you might ask. It is you, me, us. Ultimately, there is only one self, one ego, one awareness, projecting itself downward into self created realities to fulfill all desire before, once again, returning to the sphere of neither perception nor non-perception. All things die, only to be born again, and so, we are eternal.
Hey my man thank you for taking the time to reply to this epic article! I'm setting up the response feature; haven't had to use it yet LOL. I'll be back with a thorough reply to you shortly! Thank you for reading and participating! :)
Delete"Everything you've ever experienced since you can recall becoming self-aware, is happening right now. Even the language used to describe that is a concept; an abstraction, not an actual. It exists only in the mind of the observer. "
ReplyDeleteSo what would you say, then, that the now is the only thing that exists, that time is just as much of an illusion as the physical, and that we are the eternal now passing through a 4D space in order to experience change?
Also, if this is true, if it were possible to determine what amount of "time" makes up a moment, and you were able to split that moment in half, or lets say, into 1/1000, you would experience timelessness, an unchanging reality.
DeleteI guess this is obvious, but my point is that, because time is an illusion, it can be reduced to it's very foundation. This is proof enough that time is an illusion.
DeleteExcellent reply; setting comments up to be more organized and I'll be back with my response!
Deletesounds good!
DeleteAlso, I would appreciate it if you could talk a little bit about your view of general relativity.
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DeleteYou ask a lot of questions in different directions at once here. Time is an abstract, not an actuality. It depends upon the psychological cognition of the observer FIRST. You are a prerequisite for time, not the other way around. Where is time minus all conscious observers? Nowhere. No cognition - the ability of conscious observer to conceive the concepts that he can use to propagate his environment for survival and enjoyment - time, distance, space, etc. - are non-existent outside of the mind, even when we're all here using said tools. Please note this is not saying using time isn't useful; the problem lies in the fallacy of reification; treating mental abstracts as physical concrete absolutes. The world is in chaos because of this little subtle slip. That's the lynch pin.
DeleteAn illusion of WHAT? Everyone always makes this claim; "Reality is an illusion", "consciousness is an illusion"; an illusion of WHAT, and for WHOM? It begs the question while also implying you have empirical knowledge of the PRIMARY CONSCIOUSNESS REALM, which is the bullshit Plato corrupted all of philosophy with one fine day, lol. Speculation with no rational grounding in what we know as reality as it exists for all conscious, cognitive, conceptually-conceiving consciousnesses!
Delete"Also, I would appreciate it if you could talk a little bit about your view of general relativity."
DeleteThe next article in this series, which I'm editing now, will touch on all of that! WAY too big for a comment answer. Thanks for reading and sticking around! I'll make it worth your time to keep reading; I had no idea people were into this stuff like I am! :)
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteIn response to your comment posted at 12:06 AM on Feb. 5:
DeleteTime is fun to speculate on. When thinking about "time" as a dimension that is separate from my specific experience but of course true for the whole, I'm talking about change. Imagine all possible 3D moments, as in all possible timelines, stacked on top of each other, all existing now. When moving through this "time" you are experiencing each moment as unique, you can remember the past just as you can anticipate the future. When we die, however, our conscious singularity, whether it returns to the whole or remains a singularity on a higher journey, exits this "time", suddenly realizing that all of that "time" was just one moment, one now.
Regarding your second response:
I'm not claiming that reality is somehow "not real". The only claim that I am making is that it is mind made, that consciousness comes first. It was created by you and I to serve a purpose. What this purpose is, I don't know; it could a consequence of craving/boredom and ultimately the goal to overcome desire/to fulfill all desire. This is the suspicion that I've had throughout my last few trips, and Buddhism teaches the same thing, further confirming my bias... but who knows, really lol. In fact, dedicating any brainpower to this subject is kind of stupid, so I'm just going to stop here.
Great article, I enjoyed a lot. I agree we should question a lot of what we "know", like the fact that there is no objective reality. I wonder if maybe we couldn't question this part a little more...
ReplyDelete"Epistemologically you don't know shit other than YOU ARE YOU, and OTHER THINGS ARE NOT YOU. This is where it all starts."
Like, how do we KNOW other things/people are not us? I mean, could they not also be projections of the mind/consciousness? Just thinking non-duality here...
Thanks for reading! To address your question:
DeleteThe only thing you actually "know" is that YOU ARE. That's it. Epistemologically, this is the only real knowledge you can verify because you are existentially anchored to your perceptions. You never experience anyone else. Your question is thus speculation and impossible to empirically verify. You will never be anyone else. If by "everyone else" you mean "conscious" that's a different thing entirely. Solipsism says nothing exists outside your head. That's a step shy of what's actually going on in my opinion. Nothing exists outside of consciousness. What is there to perceive minus perceivers, and who would be around to argue with otherwise...?