Friday, January 3, 2020

The Mentally Lazy Don't Get to Define "Reality"

Lazy thinking is reactionary based thinking. Emotionally-driven unconscious bullshit. The color of someone's skin, their opinion, sexual orientation, or thoughts about president X or sports-ball team Y is enough to set you off?

You're a lazy thinker. You're lazy because you're not thinking. You're reacting. What's more, lazy thinkers try to appear to do more work up front so as to create the facade that they're deep thinkers. They aren't. This is evidenced when you attempt a nuanced conversation that corners them into their own contradictory logic.


Me: So why aren't those greedy companies exclusively hiring women and pocketing the difference as profit?


And around we go.


The title of this blog post was meant to "trigger". Don't worry, there's nothing to be offended by...other than the ease with which people can be biased to think that anything that isn't touted as progressive, inclusive, or liberal AF is somehow going backwards.

It's not. People are. People are going backwards. The individual is. The smallest minority is the individual, but everyone conveniently forgets this when it suits their (individual) agenda the most.

"The world" is a clusterfuck of self-imposed human contradiction.

Simply put, most people are full of shit. So full of shit, they don't realize why or how in the first place, and this makes them legit full of shit because they believe their own bullshit unquestioningly. Information-based opinions, which are not knowledge. The average person is a clueless dolt that becomes the perfect pawn for companies, corporations, and governments to extract revenue from. These people actually thinking voting - or asking for permission to vote from their government (contradiction - permission to choose your ruler? Please...) - is an exercise in freedom. Then, those same people complain when either party messes with taxes or social programs in ways that are opposite of what was initially promised. Voters "can't believe it", yet readily line up to assume, consume, and resume business as usual. Those that deny power are the most powerless. Those that deny their own power are truly powerless.

Rational philosophy destroys all of this and leaves it shaking in the dust of its former self.

The world thrives on contradiction.

This obviously goes back to definitions, which goes back to being rational; that is, not allowing contradiction to exist in your definitions, let alone as explanations for phenomena.

Unconscious Insecurity is The Main Ingredient

The real problem is insecurity. Someone working hard reminds people that they themselves are not. Ever wonder why people get pissed about things that have absolutely nothing to do with them? Because you're an individual and "subconsciously' underneath all your bullshit programming you know reality is a function of you. What you feel IS reality. You're being reminded by another that you're merely existing, not actually living.

There's a big difference.

Existing is a static state. You're conscious, but you're unconscious of WHO you actually are - SELF. You then decorate and hide this self to satisfy arbitrary social conventions conceived by other low-conscious humans because bandwagon fallacy coupled with argument from authority.

Living, on the other hand, involves consciously choosing your response to stimuli.

A 9-5 desk job with a two hour commute that leaves you 1 hour a day to yourself is existing.

Being an entrepreneur and eating what you kill is living. Being in the moment and responding - not reacting - to reality and its participants. It's no wonder people in sales positions are generally better off not only financially, but spiritually as well. Maybe those "greedy people" know something we don't; actual human behavior.

It's like they understand that projecting an emotion is like, the entire fucking purpose of this reality experience.

Funny how that works.

Stay rational, stay sane.

-Loaded Shaman

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