Saturday, January 4, 2020

The Identical Twin Metaphysics of Theology and Scientific Determinism

The only difference is the terminology (wrapping paper) used.

Theology = Infinite Causal Absolute (God's creation).

Physics (Mathematics, Natural Law) = Infinite Causal Absolute (Big Bang).

That which is a logical extension of an absolute, is that absolute.

It can't be otherwise. If you can explain this without contradicting either the definitions of the words you're using, or the logic you're using, I'm all ears. I've yet to hear a rational argument that doesn't involve either of those two things. This is why I feel this stuff is so, so important.

The contradiction should be obvious, but it isn't because of hundreds of years of Platonic "reasoning" being accepted as "rational thinking". You cannot have an infinite absolute that creates or causes anything outside or beyond itself by definition. This is a perfect example of people using incorrect language to seal themselves off from already-challenging mental work. You are either free to choose or you are an extension of whatever caused you. There is no in between. It is absolute because you're an extension of what you're logically claiming to argue from. It works in funny ways because either you have to admit that you are god, by extension, or that you're nothing, by extension. The logic will always, always double back no matter how you try to dodge it, like water naturally seeking its level.

My argument is uncomfortably rational. My Philosophical Chain of command has no contradictions, and thus must in fact actually be a compass toward what's true, whatever that means and whatever it is. This is because it doesn't contradict. Whatever is left after contradiction is dealt with, no matter how "unlikely", must be more accurate than what was previously assumed. This is called building a true progressively rational paradigm of observable reality. There will be an entire article series on this. For now, I leave you with the following thought exercise:

Two Questions For You, The Reader

1. Who created God? 

2. What was before the Big Bang?

BONUS question: WHERE AND WHEN was time BEFORE the Big Bang?

Can you answer those questions rationally in the comments below, or are you mentally blindsided into accepting contradiction, mystery, and "paradox" as explanations for what we as human beings observe?

Stay rational, stay sane.

-Loaded Shaman

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