Wednesday, January 1, 2020

New Decade, New SELF; So Stop "Parsing" "It" (YourSELF)

You can say subconscious, higher self, lower self, chakras, mind, body, spirit, etc.

You're completely free to model your reality this way, using those labels. But realize in the process all you're doing is adding more moving parts in your own consciousness, rather than just letting it be one thing/what it actually is. What that is, IS is. I know that sounds and reads funny but that's the accurate description. It's all of those things when you focus on them individually, but it can never reach its true potential by being approached from a raw, reductionist frame of reference, because that misappropriates, and thus dilutes, the actual efficacy of IS as a rational metaphysical primary. This then causes a whole host of cascading fallacies that carry over and infect all the other points in the Philosophical Chain of Command.

That's kind of the thing. Your entire "reality" is this frame of reference. You're existentially anchored. You're anchored as SELF amongst an infinite variety of finite manifestations of other existentially anchored SELF. That's not a grammatical error. Singular. Not "SELVES". There is no group metaphysic. All of "your" memories, thoughts, fears, and emotional reactions are only ever from the constant unmovable frame of reference that is YOU. YOU ARE YOU, and that's all you can BE(ing). Everything you know is relative to this. You absolutely exist (and you exist absolutely), or you wouldn't be able to formulate an (insanely inane) argument that you don't exist (the ultimate epistemological fallacy).

What "it" is, is IS. The IS-ness of "reality" stems from YOU - the SELF. You IS because you're ABLE to IS. Consciousness/Existence is ABLE to consciousness/existence. Again not a grammatical error. Only after Consciousness/Existence is ABLE, does it IS (notice I didn't say "becomes", "evolves" or "is created into"). I know this sounds like the absolute bat-shit crazy self-referential ramblings of some sort of Ozzy Osbourne tautology (What the fuck is this fucking fuck fucking with?!), but I assure you great care has been taken to make sure people don't think deeply on this shit.

The only "thing" which can be "actually" quantified as "real" is YOU. Everything else is a concept of your consciousness, not the other way around. Everything else is a concept from within your conscious awareness, because that's the function of consciousness; self-awareness as the constant, unmoving, existential anchoring of everything you know and think you know. That's it. To add additional and unnecessary layers of abstraction on top of this existential anchoring - such as subconscious, higher self, lower self, etc. - is to completely destroy your true connection TO yourSELF as it actually exists an experiences "reality".

"Reality" is entirely dependent on you first and foremost. Many love to argue "death is just like before you were born; you didn't exist". This is mostly justified by the lack of memory of experience, etc. Sounds logical. The only thing is the premise is irrational. "You" have always existed because that's all there is. You. SELF. There are also an infinite number of finite copies of this SELF manifesting simultaneously.

"Ego" is just a much a part of this manifestation of consciousness as anything else. To attempt to parse ego away as some sort of lower priority on the totem pole is to fall for the same trap outlined at the start of this article.

All Your Quantification Are Belong to Arbitrary (Because You Say So)

First and foremost, how are you quantifying those concepts?

Notice who's required for those concepts to have any meaning, relevance, or usefulness in daily life in the first place?



Without SELF CONSCIOUSLY EXISTING (consciousness and existence are the same thing, they are the only true COROLLARY)...are you just creating labels for yourself as a mental bookmark, so you don't have to think a little deeper about how to "touch yourself up" a bit, so to speak? Most of the time when we think of "spirit", it can be inspirational but the word itself can get you hung up on unrealistic and detached concepts that are actually having a negative effect on your reality instead of a positive one. You can't see them as negative effects because you're operating from a contradiction somewhere in your Philosophical Chain of Command.

Everyone IS unique, but not in the way social programming will have you "thinking" (there is no actual thought involved).

There is an "other", but not in the way traditional theologists postulate (and attempt to argue morality from).

The universe is indeed infinite, but not at all in the ways physics proclaims.

Shit is way, way weirder - despite being completely rational.

Appealing to Contradiction is Not The Way Forward in 2020

That's the amazing part. Reality IS weird as hell. We've been programmed with a plethora of lies and distortions that create a sterilized interpretation of "reality", mostly for the convenience of whatever authority figure's plan at that "point in time" (don't get me started with "time is real and is a dimension" bullshit) is.

I drink my coffee black and I eat my oatmeal with no sugar, cinnamon, or sweetener whatsoever. There's never a good argument for just listening to someone, but I assure you I'm probably the last person to allow a bias on an integral level. I shall remain as conscious and vigiliant against my own biases heading into the new decade, and I hope you'll do the same as well. We're far from perfect, but we as humans leave a lot on the table in regards to thinking clearly and rationally. Let's change that heading into 2020.

Stay rational, stay sane.

-Loaded Shaman

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